How to invest in a better future


Sasha Cisar,


Select your investments into companies that contribute towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the UN Agenda 2030.

You have significantly reduced your meat consumption, you try to avoid the use of plastics, and you have switched to an electric vehicle or use public transport as often as you can. In short, you have opted for a more sustainable lifestyle. But have you also thought how sustainable investing can help support what is close to your heart?

What is the link between SDGs and investments?

We believe sustainable investing must target the global framework of the United Nations’ SDGs that was adopted by all 193 UN member states. The SDGs address major societal and environmental challenges of our time such as climate change, hunger and poverty, or lack of clean water, aiming to achieve a significant improvement by 2030.

As a result, we think there will be increased pressure on governments and companies to solve these problems, and companies aligning their economic activities with the SDGs will accordingly benefit.


Do companies have an impact on sustainability?

Companies are embedded in society, nature and economy and have therefore an impact, be it for better or for worse. At radicant, we use the SDGs as a framework to measure the impact of companies and align investments accordingly.

The investment strategies at radicant have a clear sustainability objective. Every portfolio holding is required to have a significantly positive impact on the achievement of the SDGs. We focus on how a company positively contributes to society and nature, not only in the way it acts but through the solution it provides.

So how can you choose investments contributing to the SDGs?

By introducing the radiThemes, we wanted to enable you to choose the SDG-related investment themes that are closest to your heart.

The radiThemes center around the SDGs by grouping companies that provide solutions to the different societal and environmental challenges and contribute positively. They are broadly diversified and quality-assured portfolios building on long-standing expert knowledge and track-record in sustainable investing.

Learn more about our radiThemes: here
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Invest with our radiThemes

Our ‘Basic Needs’ and ‘Health & Well-being’ radiThemes invest in
SDGs no.2 and no.3 aligned to this raditag, supporting companies making a
difference in these areas.


    Basic Needs


    Good Health & Well-Being