It's all connected


Satisfying today’s needs without compromising next generations’ ability to do alike is what the world has committed to by endorsing the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development. Its corresponding 17 SDGs and their targets are the defined means to encourage durable solutions for common challenges.

Related SDGs


Each SDG stands for a specific goal while neither of them should be thought of in a vacuum given the interrelation of realities. Inequalities sustain poverty while poverty hinders growth and in consequence, absent growth perpetuates the poverty trap. Solution seeking strategies and investments tailored to kick-start prosperity should thus be integrated and holistic.


As a global community, we dignify vulnerable cohorts and critical issues that concern us jointly by dedicating specific days, weeks, or years in their name. This tradition is an expression of compassion, while the international days also serve in raising awareness and as advocacy tools.

Every October, for instance, five main stakeholders and matters are addressed: the girl child, disaster risk reduction, rural women, food, and poverty i.e., poverty reduction (international day of the girl child, world disaster risk reduction day, international day of rural women and international poverty eradication day). All five topics re-emphasize the importance of the agenda 2030, its holistic structure and the urgency to keep pushing for the prompt implementation of the related 17 SDGs and their targets.

Typically, girls and women are more affected by poverty and hunger than males. The same has been observed subsequently in the case of natural or man-made disasters. Matters are even worse for rural girls and women; they’re at a higher risk of experiencing violence, are likelier to be illiterate, are underrepresented in local decision-making bodies, frequently work longer hours than men, are impacted worse through environmental degradation and in consequence prone to be poor.

Much has been achieved to redress poverty in the past few decades. Nevertheless, over 800 million individuals still live in extreme poverty, which means they must live with less than 1.90$ per. The Covid-19 pandemic, armed conflict and climate change have severely set back poverty reduction efforts and are expected to push an additional 100 million people into extreme poverty. Evidently, there is no panacea for eradicating poverty, malnutrition, the loss or waste of food, or the exposure to disaster risk. And in many cases, it remains unclear what causalities wield human underdevelopment – our world and its dynamics are complex. Nevertheless, thanks to systematic reviews and retrospective analysis, there’s improved knowledge on what circumstances sustain poverty, hunger, gender inequality or disaster fragility and, conversely, what paves the way for transformation.

Transformation through informed decision making, less complexity and reliable governance

Access to education and information are key; only those who are aware of the benefits of a nutritious diet can make informed decisions that will improve their productivity, immune system and overall health.
Only those who know that practicing Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) will not prevent a girl child from a promiscuous adulthood or disobedience will discourage such terrific practices. Those who don’t know are left to believe. The shift from assumption or notion to credible knowledge leaves room to consider local communalities is thus indispensable. Furthermore, reducing complexity for the vulnerable and disadvantaged societies will help overcome their anguish.

Poor people are forced to decide on matters of life and death a lot more often than those living in higher income countries. Whoever lives in a major city like London needn’t worry about tap water being treated for parasites, bacteria or any other health threatening pathogens. In England’s capital 70% of the water that runs in taps is sourced from the river Thames. No one would ever swim in that stream, leave alone have “a cup’o tea” boiled with it. Yet, firmly trusting the water is treated adequately before running through the pipes, all citizens who live in this sophisticated city rinse their mouth after brushing their teeth without worrying neither about its origin nor doubting the safety of it. This is thanks to proficient government and reliable infrastructure (SDG 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions, SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities).

puddle Imagine being clueless (ignorant) and having to carefully weigh each and every maneuver and distrusting the safety of the water you're about to boil your family's porridge with and having to treat your household water with chlorine tablets every day (SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation)?!

Or imagine having to wonder about where to safely “use the bathroom” out in the open at night while worrying about contamination (or being bitten by a snake). It’s the states duty to provide the basic infrastructure so societies can do the right thing, i.e., providing chlorine tablets or funding sanitary installations in settings of informal housing. And so, it becomes unmistakably evident that poverty is an eclectic phenomenon which calls for encompassing solutions.

No spark, no fire

Recent studies have produced evidence that a lack of food isn’t the (only) driver of poverty and that in fact, today’s societies globally are sufficiently wealthy to afford every human an ample intake of daily calories, even the poorest (SDG 1: No Poverty, SDG 2: Zero Hunger). Where hunger does occur, it is usually linked to deficient institutional capacities regarding food distribution or occurring in the context of immediate disasters. Societies are trapped in poverty where economic exclusion’s perpetuated – whoever can’t read and write is unemployable and the jobless can’t provide or enroll their offspring for school…Therefore, as comprehensively addressed in the Agenda 2030 higher levels of economic inclusion that will spur growth are also a pivotal building brick on the way to a prosperous future (SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth). Access to formal services and institutions such as the possibility to transfer funds, taking a loan or getting insurance without having to pay a bribe will allow market participation, incentivise productivity and afford some level of economic independence.
During this transitional phase investments and where the state is incapacitated, aid and foreign direct investments still matter. They are the spark to light the fire of economic growth.

By now it has become clear, that the common challenges the world faces are not linear – what qualifies as a result in one case could make for a cause in another, and it’s all connected. Regarding this complexity, the Agenda 2030 remains an appropriate framework to mainstream human rights, achieve gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls. Educated girls everywhere can make informed and healthy decisions, are more resilient towards disaster and have higher chances to access free markets which can lift them out or avoid poverty.

Radicant acknowledges this interdependence and that the 17 SDGs are integrated and indivisible while appreciating the critical importance of the five dimensions: people, planet, prosperity and partnership. We seek to invest in initiatives that expedite sustainable development. We can all be part of the solution by changing our behaviour and making improved decisions. Consciously investing assets can facilitate the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals; access to affordable and clean energy (SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy) Or improved good health and well-being (SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being) are just two examples of where radicant is at the forefront regarding sustainable investment, re-inventing the finance sector overall and having a meaningful impact in sparking up transformation.

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    Good Health & Well-Being