11 everyday tips to help protect the climate


Some things can be optimised in everyday life without having to save penguins at the South Pole. Life can still be fun while we learn to consume more mindfully.

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We agree, humans are overstressing the climate and could treat it with more care. There are things that can be done in everyday life to remedy the situation, without having to travel to the North Pole to save polar bears. Life can and should continue to be fun, but at the same time more mindful. Below we share eleven tips for using less electricity and energy in our daily lives:

  1. Preheating the oven is no longer necessary with modern appliances. Good ovens are ready for pizza within a few minutes.

  2. Use energy-saving light bulbs. Yes, they are expensive, but over the lifespan of the bulb, you save more than CHF 50, which you would have paid for conventional ones. Anyhow, if we switched to energy-saving lamps worldwide, we could save around 100 billion Swiss francs a year.

  3. Use public transport. It’s better for the environment and you may meet some interesting people, in reality, totally analog (many a person made a romantic encounter on a train).

  4. Believe it or not, showering is still a favorable option. Be sure to dive in company should you insist on washing in a tub.

  5. Turn the heating down. What held true then, still holds true today. Reducing the temperature by 1°C in closed rooms saves close to 10%!!! of heating energy. Fantastic.

  6. Even though Jane Fonda has retired (rightfully so), exercising is in. Take the stairs, walk for a full song, chase mice... working out and exercising releases happiness hormones and preserves resources.

  7. Unplug electronic devices! Whether it's 1976 or 2021 - your phone, TV, coffee maker, printer, etc. suck electricity 24/7 unless they're switched off completely or hooked off the grid cold turkey. Timers can be helpful reminders for those who tend to forget.

  8. Lights off! Easily forgotten yet simple to remember. Draw a red dot on the back of your hand to remind you until it’s an internalized habit.

  9. Dishes needn’t be pre-washed by default. Just put them in the dishwasher. Give the short program a try, it may get the job done.

  10. Choose green electricity. Whoever moves to a new house or apartment is usually asked to make a choice between receiving conventional electricity or alternatively tap into a mix of grid and off-grid (solar, wind, hydro energy). By choosing greener options you’re being considered of the nature and promoting sustainable development.

  11. Invest in sustainable energy. Find out how your money (pension fund, savings, etc.) is being invested.

Efforts of the past were inducements for change and deserve more than our dismissal. In 1976 Migros was quoted as follows: «Saving energy is less about technical issues but rather a matter of qualified leadership. It’s about changing the perceptions and attitudes of employees. »Change requires courage, ingenuity, and most of all, time. Moreover, change requires informed decision-making, i.e., unimpeded access to knowledge and information. Most of the global community is aware of the climate crisis it’s in. Accordingly, pursuing energy transformation is underway based on theAgenda2030 for Sustainable Development. All sectors, all stakeholders are called upon to be part of the solution and contribute to a successful implementation of the associated Sustainable Development Goals (SDG7, SDG13). Regardless of where we are; at home, in the office or underway – we can all contribute small efforts in order to not strain the environment unnecessarily. As long as we keep doing those things better today that we don’t know of yesterday, we can make a difference for the better.

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