radicant's Take on Sustainable Lifestyle


Kirstin Brünjes,


What do scenarios such as climate crisis, resource scarcity, loss of biodiversity, hunger, poverty, inequalities in your immediate environment or the media trigger in you? Frustration? Anger? Fear? The fact is that these 21st century challenges are existential threats to all life on Earth, but we are not yet doing enough about them.

Related SDGs


One thing is certain: the world needs more people committed to promoting sustainable peace and prosperity and protecting our planet. Not only in their personal lives, but also in their everyday work. Why? Making decisions today that will positively impact both you and the world tomorrow, so that generations today and in the future will have a safe and healthy planet to live on - that's what a holistic sustainable lifestyle is all about.


We are sustainable natives

Given the challenges of the 21st century, sustainability is much more than just a trend. Choosing to live a sustainable lifestyle is becoming increasingly popular, and is expected to become the norm for all of us in the years to come. While there is no such thing as the sustainable lifestyle, there are many small and big impactful things we can do every day.

We radicants see ourselves as "sustainable natives": sustainability is our DNA and accompanies us in every decision and activity. We live sustainability not only in our free time, but also explicitly in our everyday work. power poles during sunset

Our evangelists as companions for a lifestyle aligned with the 17 SDGs

At radicant, we have made it our mission to promote the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The entire company and its products must be thoroughly and sustainably thought through. How can we achieve this? The answer is to introduce a new concept: the role of SDG evangelists . They are involved in every agile technology squad and every interface to promote sustainable development, deepen knowledge in the community, and advocate for achieving the SDGs.

desk with hands, laptops and notes

However, we don't just want to talk to our community about the latest research findings, technologies, or investment topics in sustainability. It is equally important to align oneself to a sustainable lifestyle. Everyone can contribute, no matter how small. The SDG evangelists will also share their own tips and tricks for a more sustainable lifestyle and discuss with users how these can best be implemented.

Support radicant in our venture

We radicants want to inspire and motivate others, because we are convinced that responsible action can create living spaces fit for the future. From a single person's perspective, the 17 goals look very ambitious, but the SDGs are addressed to the whole world: so it's about tackling them together. Follow our Sustainable Lifestyle, enrich our community with your ambitions and find allies and a space for exchange there.

Share your thoughts in the community

Invest with our radiThemes

Our ‘Basic Needs’ and ‘Health & Well-being’ radiThemes invest in
SDGs no.2 and no.3 aligned to this raditag, supporting companies making a
difference in these areas.


    Basic Needs


    Good Health & Well-Being