Unique SDG Impact Rating
Our impact rating process is data-driven and uses more than 5 million data points to rate about 12,000 companies and issuers. It allows us to identify and select companies that positively contribute to sustainable development and include them in our investment universe.


    Active Ownership
    As investors, we use shareholder rights influentially. This includes an active dialogue with companies and consciously using voting rights associated with the investments. The aim is to actively promote and improve sustainability practices of the companies we invest in.

      Active Ownership First image

      Active top-level portfolio management
      Our Swiss Sustainable Equities Fund and our thematic certificates like Clean Water and Sanitation, Healthy Ecosystems, Societal Progress or Climate Stability are among the top performers in Switzerland.1


        Invest in what’s close to your heart
        Starting with just CHF 1,000 you can invest in your passions. We offer you investment portfolios that are directly aligned with the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


          Highest transparency
          You’re not only getting insights into all the companies you’ve invested in and can learn which SDGs they’re contributing to. You can also find out in which areas we believe they can improve their sustainability efforts.


            Our pricing in a nutshell

            • Invest with as little as CHF 1,000
            • Annual investment fee between 0.25 and 0.45% until 31 December 20242
            • Annual product costs between 0.4 and 0.47%3

            See our full pricing

            See our digital investment management mandate.

            Build your portfolio in just 5 steps
            Choose up to 2 SDG aligned investment themes, and if desired, add an optional Swiss focus to your globally diversified portfolio. Assess your risk profile, choose your strategy and you’re done.


              SDG investing: All you need to know at a glance
              What exactly is SDG investing, and how does it differ from other sustainable investment approaches like ESG investing?


                Our sustainable investment team

                Meet our passionate experts, who are giving you their all to make sure that you only invest in companies with a positive impact on society and nature.

                1. Source: radicant bank ag, Morningstar
                2. Starting from 1 January 2025, the annual investment fee will change to 0.50-0.90%
                3. Depending on the chosen investment strategy and products.
                4. Investment Referral Campaign Terms & Conditions