What is Active Ownership?
Active Ownership means that, as investors, we use shareholder rights influentially. This includes an active dialogue with companies (Engagement) and consciously using voting rights associated with the investments (Voting). The aim is to actively promote and improve sustainability practices of the companies we invest in.

As your asset manager, we take on Active Ownership for you. We exercise shareholder rights and aim to achieve positive financial and sustainability outcomes for you.

Thus, we vote at shareholder meetings, raise our voice, and actively engage in dialogue with companies.

Active Ownership is a key part of our sustainable investment process and fiduciary duty aiming for financial and sustainability objectives.

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    As investors we use voting right to vote at annual general assemblies of invested companies.

    We exercise voting rights worldwide for our investment funds.

    We vote based on the voting policy from ISS Governance using most advanced sustainability criteria.

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      As investors, we engage in a dialogue with invested companies. We aim to influence management and boards of directors to advance positive change and sustainable practices.

      We participate in collaborative engagement initiatives with other investors to leverage our positive impact.

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        Collaborative engagements

        Access to medicine
        Initiative targeting healthcare companies on relevant topics such as governance, R&D, pricing and intellectual property management.

        Nature Action 100
        The investors address nature-related risks and drive corporate ambition to tackle nature loss and biodiversity decline.
        radicant is signatory of the initial investor letter.

        Initiative targeting food sector, including animal production, protein, social risks, biodiversity, antibiotics and health.


        Overview of our voting and engagement activities in 2023.

        Learn more

        Active Ownership means that we use our vote and voice as investors. We vote at annual general meetings of invested companies and voice sustainability topics as part of engagement activities in direct dialogue or as part of collaborative investor initiatives.

        The aim is to influence the management and boards of directors to encourage positive change in the companies’ sustainable practices, contribute to positive outcomes for nature and society and the company's financial objectives.

        We vote at the annual general assemblies of invested companies. The votes can include board member elections, say on climate to implement climate targets, say on pay on remuneration policies as well as shareholder resolutions.

        Our focus themes are social and environmental topics linked to the achievement of one or several UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Additionally, we currently focus on biodiversity, climate, gender equality and access to medicine.

        Yes, we will happily give you two examples:

        1) We voted at P&G's annual general assembly to better manage their palm oil supply chain in Indonesia, to protect forests and the livelihoods of Indigenous communities.

        2) We voted at Metlife's annual general assembly to further improve their positive impact and increase the diversity of their board.

        Our Active Ownership team

        Meet our team that leads voting and engagement as part of active ownership at radicant.