In a hurry?

A chart gives you an overview of the financial performance of your investments, and an SDG rating shows you to what extent your portfolio is in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Curious to find out more?

Dive into the details of your investments with the help of our app. You can see the SDG rating of your portfolio and check how each company you have invested in supports the SDGs.

Discover the impact


Find out how the companies you invest in impact the SDGs

Discover the overall SDG rating of your portfolio and how the constituent companies contribute to the SDGs.


Find out how the companies you invest in impact the SDGs

Discover the overall SDG rating of your portfolio and how the constituent companies contribute to the SDGs.


Complete portfolio transparency

Discover the overall SDG rating of your portfolio and how the constituent companies contribute to the SDGs.


Complete portfolio transparency

Discover the overall SDG rating of your portfolio and how the constituent companies contribute to the SDGs.


Explore every company in detail

Discover why we have selected a company, its associated #radiTags, SDG ratings, financial data and performance in our app.


Explore every company in detail

Discover why we have selected a company, its associated #radiTags, SDG ratings, financial data and performance in our app.


#radiTags and investment trends

Explore the activities that drive the SDG impact of your investments. We call these solutions #radiTags and are happy to share them with you.
More on the #radiTags.


#radiTags and investment trends

Explore the activities that drive the SDG impact of your investments. We call these solutions #radiTags and are happy to share them with you.
More on the #radiTags.

Learn more about our methodology

Our unique methodology is at the heart of our shared mission - it empowers collective action for a better, sustainable future.

    Learn more about our financial products

    We strive to ensure our investment strategies are fully aligned with the UN SDGs.