No fair and sustainable world without access to education. 

Demographic change is in full swing: depending on the region, the population is growing, shrinking or ageing. This doesn’t come without consequences for the world’s education systems. As the population in developing countries grows, so does social inequality, which is also reflected in education. On one hand, the gap between rich and poor is widening, and on the other, women and girls are particularly affected by poverty.

Access to education has always been worse for women than for men. Therefore, quality education plays a key role in reducing poverty and enabling equal opportunities. As well as empowering people in their economic development, it promotes climate- and environment-friendly behaviour. 

Access to education paves the way to sustainable development 

Considering the changes in population structures and the transition to a climate-neutral and digitalised economy, there is a need for appropriate educational opportunities and adapted education systems that train people to become skilled, well-educated and adaptable workers. In developing countries, for example, it is elementary to ensure children and young people have access to basic education, while in developed countries, it is becoming increasingly important to offer adults opportunities for retraining and further education. 

The selected companies within this radiTheme offer solutions that promote #AccessToEducation, for example, through #KnowledgeDistribution or #Edtech&eLearning. They may build and manage educational facilities and infrastructures, promote early learning, finance services for education, or offer innovative educational programs teaching current topics. All these actions will help create more equitable access to affordable, quality education for all. Investing in the growing education sector has a double payoff for investors: the opportunity to invest in a growing market with high societal benefits. 

A world with access to quality education for all  

This radiTheme aims to promote Sustainable Development Goal 4 “Quality Education”, which seeks to give all girls and boys equal access to all levels of education. Women and men should have equal opportunities for affordable vocational and tertiary education. SDG 4 also calls for young people and adults to be taught the relevant skills for a digitalised economy. 

To promote sustainable development, it is necessary to provide the knowledge needed to act in an environmentally conscious manner. This includes raising awareness of human rights – such as gender equality – and promoting a culture of peace.

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Take your wealth to the next level by adding a societal and environmental dimension. We firmly believe that only companies which contribute towards addressing the major sustainability challenges will thrive in the future.


    Climate Stability


    Gender equality


    Healthy Ecosystems


    Basic needs


    Clean Water


    Good Health & Well-being


    Quality education


    Societal progress

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