SDG 8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth

Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.


Achieving full, productive and decent work for all is a key factor to overcome poverty. It can be pursued through job creation, employment rights, social protection and social dialogue. But progress has been uneven globally, and substantial gaps remain. Many regions underperform on measures of inclusive and sustainable economic growth: workers in the informal economy suffer from more uncertain, less regular and lower incomes. They work longer hours and have no opportunity to bargain collectively and represent their rights. Often, they do not even have access to social security schemes or safety and health, maternity and other labour rights and protection legislation. On top of that, 150 million children are still in child labour, and 40 million people are in different forms of forced labour.

The target of SDG 8 focuses on economic growth - through diversification, technological modernisation and innovation. It aims to increase resource efficiency in production globally and decouple economic growth from environmental degradation. Additionally, sustainable economic growth should reduce informal employment and ensure decent employment opportunities for all, with a safe working environment and equal pay. To achieve this, immediate action should be taken to abolish forced labour, end modern slavery and human trafficking, and prohibit and eliminate the worst forms of child labour. SDG 8 also targets sustainable tourism and increased access to the financial sector.

Have a look at our investment solution for SDG 8: #BestEmployer and read everything you need to know about our #raditags.

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