SDG 3 - Good Health & Well-Being

Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.


Ensuring a healthy life and well-being for all remains a constant challenge. This cannot be achieved without qualified health facilities, well trained health personnel, access to adequate health care and the respective health care financing. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), at least half of the world's population has no access to appropriate health services. In addition, about 800 million people are currently driven into poverty because they have to spend more than 10% of their household budget on health expenses. Together, these circumstances hamper efforts to end the epidemics of HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and other communicable diseases: people who do not visit doctors for financial reasons retain the risk of uncontrolled spread. Only healthy people can thrive and develop their full potential.

SDG 3 aims to ensure healthy lives and promote the well-being of all people, regardless of age. To this end, the global maternal mortality rate and preventable neonatal and child deaths must be reduced, and access to sexual and reproductive health services improved. SDG 3 also aims to end epidemics of tropical diseases (such as AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria) and other communicable diseases (e.g., COVID-19). Furthermore, it seeks to reduce pollution-related deaths and diseases. This requires various behaviour changes, financial risk protection for those in need, as well as research and development of vaccines and medicines.

Have a look at some of our investment solutions for SDG 3: #Vaccines, #OralHealth, #Healthcare4All and read everything you need to know about our #raditags.

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    Societal Progress


    Basic Needs


    Good Health & Well-Being


    Quality Education