SDG 16 - Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.


Peace remains an elusive dream for many people. A dangerous mix of environmental and security crises, weak institutions and limited access to justice hinder the achievement of lasting peace. The world is experiencing the highest number of violent conflicts since 1945. Besides foreign state interventions, many are civil conflicts with varying degrees of violence. Poverty and inequality are becoming more complex and multidimensional and remain challenging for fragile countries.

SDG 16 is a cornerstone of the Agenda 2030 and recognises peaceful and inclusive societies as an important driver of sustainable development. The rule of law, participatory institutions and access to fair and equal justice are foundations of peace. Accountable and transparent institutions must ensure resilience in the digital space and protect from cyber-attacks. SDG 16 rejects violence, aims to end torture and organised crime, but also aims to stop exploitation and human trafficking. This guiding principle advocates for the fight against corruption, bribery, illegal arms trafficking and illicit financial flows. Peaceful and inclusive societies are spaces where people live free from fear of any form of violence and feel safe regardless of their ethnicity, faith or sexual orientation. All efforts in the name of sustainable development are doomed to fail if peace remains absent and violence present.

Have a look at some of our investment solutions for SDG 16: #Cybersecurity or #AntiCrime and read everything you need to know about our #raditags.

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