annual review 2021


Wow-what a year! Thanks to the remarkable foresight of our strategic investor BLKB, we have the mandate to design and build the next generation bank from scratch. A privilege and a huge challenge at the same time.

How are bank customers served in 5 years? Which technologies, offerings, people and culture do we need in order to be competitive in 2026? These and many other questions have accompanied us day and night this year.

2021 in numbers

  • 253 days and more than 4,000 pages later

As reported earlier, we founded radicant on April 22nd. We worked intensively with experts from different industries and leading technology providers to design the tech stack, processes laid out on more than 2,500 pages on confluence, jira, miro, frontify, power point and word. We entered a 1,647 pages long bank license application end of June to FINMA and we have signed more than 1,500 pages of legal

  • From 3,000 applicants to 35 radicants  documents to close partnerships with a large number of companies. Since then, we have been in building-phase.

We have received more than 3,000 job applications, conducted more than 600 interviews and hired 35 highly motivated radicants – who are here to build a disruptive company with a higher purpose. In 2022 we are expecting many more radicants to join.

desk with hands, laptops and notesInnovation culture as DNA

To keep up a high pace, we are working with leading engineering companies to build our technologies – with up to 100 persons engaged at the time. As we are building systems nobody has built before; we are faced with many unexpected surprises, challenges and setbacks all the time. But this is part of a fast-moving tech company which will be part of our daily lives for the upcoming years while building the company. A strong failure culture is of essence. Everyone in the company should make mistakes every week to keep the innovation going – fail, but fail fast, learn, adjust and keep trying to push the limits.

Collaboration and partnerships

Collaboration and Co-Creation are central to us. We have closed partnerships with many tech companies – from global leaders to several swiss fintechs, regtechs, HR-techs and other specialized companies. We will announce these partners in the months to come.

Apart from around-the-clock bank services on a subscription basis – we have the aspiration to bring digital wealth management to new dimensions. Stay tuned!

Sustainable to the core and for the future

We make the best efforts to align everything we do with the UN 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). From how we treat our team to all our offerings. The way our vision has been received on our LinkedIn community with more than 2,600 Followers after only a few months exceeded our expectations. Next year we will introduce a sustainable lifestyle radicant web-community to show how people living in Switzerland can align their daily lives to the SDGs – wherever possible. Please take some time and think about how you can make your life more sustainable and thus contribute to the 17 SDGs in 2022! We will follow up with more recommendations in the months!


I would like to thank our amazing radicant team, our investor and all our partners working on this extraordinary venture. Together we will push the limits while pursuing a higher purpose. I am really looking forward to a great 2022 with you!

Anders Bally,
CEO & Co-Founder

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Invest with our radiThemes

Our ‘Basic Needs’ and ‘Health & Well-being’ radiThemes invest in
SDGs no.2 and no.3 aligned to this raditag, supporting companies making a
difference in these areas.


    Basic Needs


    Good Health & Well-Being